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What is a needle-free dosing mold?

2023-06-14 09:04:17

 The needle-free dosing mold is a new type of medical syringe, which can also be called a needle-free syringe. Compared with traditional syringes, the needle-free dosing mold is characterized by the fact that it does not require the use of needles and does not cause trauma to the skin during use, thus reducing the harm to patients and making it safer and more comfortable. It has a wide range of applications and can be used for injection of various liquids and medicines, especially in medical fields such as infusion and vaccination.

 The method of using the needle-free dosing mold is also relatively simple, generally consisting of the equipment itself and packaging. Before use, the user only needs to follow the instructions in the instructions, mix the medicine with sterile water and put it into the syringe. When in use, press the button on the device to spray the liquid medicine onto the surface of the skin to complete the operation. Compared with traditional syringes, its unique spray technology enables the liquid medicine to be evenly distributed on the skin, and can penetrate deep into the skin layer, increasing the absorption efficiency of the medicine.

 The advantages of needle-free dosing molds are not only easy and comfortable to use, but also many other advantages. First, it can effectively protect medical staff and patients from cross-infection. During the injection process, there will be no contact between the needle-free dosing mold and the human body, so wound infection can be avoided to a limited extent. Secondly, the needle-free dosing mold can improve the absorption efficiency of the drug and prolong the duration of the drug effect. Because its liquid medicine can be more evenly distributed on the skin, it has certain advantages in absorption. At the same time, it also has a better effect on disease prevention and vaccination. In addition, in some cases, especially when space is limited or medical treatment needs to be carried out quickly, the operating speed can also be increased.

 Although the needle-free dosing mold has many advantages, it also has some defects. First of all, because it is a new type of medical equipment, its production cost is higher than that of traditional syringes. Secondly, since the liquid medicine is sprayed by air pressure, if the operation is not done properly during use, the liquid medicine may also be sprayed to other places, bringing certain health risks. At the same time, since it is a new type of product, its safety and long-term use effect need further evaluation and verification.

 In conclusion, the needle-free drug dosing mold is a new type of syringe with many advantages, which can improve the absorption efficiency of drugs and reduce the harm to the human body. Although its production cost is high and its use specification needs attention, its application in the medical field still has great development potential.

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 Yuhuan Bethel Medical Mold Co., Ltd. is specialized in the manufacture of medical molds and medical plastic accessories. The company has processing centers, CNC lathes, electric pulse, wire cutting, injection machines and other high-tech equipment. After years of long-term practical operation, we have accumulated rich experience, and implemented process production from three-dimensional design, mold manufacturing, and production technology.

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